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Five ways mortgage originators can leverage AI: Lessons from Austin Lampson

  1. Using AI-powered tools for market insights

Austin points to tools like Homebot, an AI-driven platform that offers a wealth of data research. “Homebot is AI-generated, and they have a lot of data research that they do. People can see how their neighborhood is moving,” she explained. Such tools provide trigger leads based on timing, offering a dynamic view of the market. “I think that’s a wonderful use of AI.”

  1. Empowering clients through education

“Education is key. It always has been key,” Lampson said.

Drawing from her personal experiences, she reflected on her upbringing in a not-so-great neighborhood in New Orleans. “But I had a lot of love and a lot of public education and had different access to knowledge. That’s how I have progressed myself, and that’s what I believe can turn the tide for anyone. Knowledge truly is power,” she said.

Lampson is deeply committed to disseminating knowledge that empowers clients to make informed decisions. “I’m really working on putting out content that answers questions our clients have,” she shared.

She elaborated on the complexities clients face, using the example of property changes in California. “What is the difference if you change your property in the state of California from a Prop 19 standpoint, from parent to child exclusion? Do people even understand half of what I just said? Probably not, but they’re making decisions [about it] that impact other pieces of their life, of which they’re unaware.”

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