Business is booming.

Will AI decimate the mortgage industry?

“I see AI as another innovative tool that will inevitably replace some jobs,” he told MPA. “For loan officers and mortgage leaders, it’s a tool that can help you scale or improve different parts of your business.”

He extended the tool analogy: “However, like any tool, it’s only as good as the person using the tool,” he said. “If I swing a hammer at a nail, I’m going to get a different result than someone else swinging the same hammer. Innovation and technology will never slow down, so it’s up to us to adapt and adjust.”

Even without knowing the ultimate scale AI will play, humans will still be the most valued resource, he suggested: “As time goes on, AI will continue to chip away at a loan officer’s role in the mortgage transaction,” he acknowledged. “But someone will still have to drive interest and leads through marketing, networking, and building human relationships and connections. Those are the skills loan officers of the future need to have.”

When the going gets AI, the tough get going

Given her specialty in tough loans, Kris Radermacher (pictured immediately above, left), broker-owner/loan officer at K2K Mortgage, said she was not worried about the rise of AI. Yet in the next breath she suggests many of her colleagues should be worried. “Does AI worry me? No! Should it worry most? Sadly, yes.”

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