Business is booming.

Top Originator Spotlight: David Holland of Holland Mortgage Advisors

David Holland: I started in the business in 2000 right out of college, for lack of a better thing to do. I started studying for the L stats for law school and realized I wasn’t cut out to be an attorney, so I got into the mortgage business, lived in my grandparents’ basement for almost a year, and crawled my way out of it.

I became moderately successful at a young age, and then my goal was always to start my own company, so I started hauling mortgages in 2005 and have grown it since then. So, we went from broker to non-delegated, to delegated, to mandatory delivery, and got our Fannie and Freddie approval. We are licensed in 16 States. Everyone took a step back in the last few years, but I looked to recruit more people. It’s not hard on the operations side. It’s more challenging on the sales side.

But one thing that really kind of put my business on steroids – I started being coached professionally by the Freedom Club. It allowed me to scale my personal business. I own the company, but I also originate with my team. I have seven people on my team who helped me. We did $190 million in 2021 and $175 million in 2022. I did $115 million, and I’ll do around $105 million this year.

MPA: Could you talk more about professional coaching, how did that help you?

David Holland: They basically gave me a blueprint to be a successful loan officer, which was getting out of the day-to-day grind because you can only do so much and you can only speak to so many people.

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