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FHFA urged to comply with management training standards


“For example, the new procedures require FHFA to maintain an updated log to document that all personnel take records management training within 60 days of onboarding, but the log contains numerous data errors,” the OIG said. “FHFA also does not maintain accurate data for the dates when contractors onboard with the agency.  As a result, FHFA is unable to monitor agency personnel’s compliance with the 60-day onboarding training requirement.

“FHFA also could not document that eight of 27 senior officials we reviewed (30%) received records management training when they offboarded.  The agency office responsible for providing the training said that in some instances, senior officials offboarded without completing it despite the agency’s notifying them of the requirement.”

The OIG has reopened the recommendation from its 2020 audit and has given the FHFA until the end of the year to remediate the deficiencies.

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